How Much Money Do Avon Reps Make
Two Ways to Earn, Two Ways To Sell There are two ways to earn money as a representative: by selling products or—through the Sales Leadership program—by selling products while recruiting others. The higher a Representative’s campaign (selling cycle) sales are, the greater the percentage she will earn on those sales. Sales Leaders, Representatives who both sell and recruit, earn money based on their personal sales plus their recruits' sales, with a similar progressive earnings structure applied.
Avon Commission Chart
Get a quick start to having fun, making customers happy and loving your new business with Avon's KickStart program.
Earn 40% in your first campaign regardless of the size of order, compliments of Avon!
Earn 40% on all sales in your next 6 orders (campaigns), when you achieve each of the KickStart sales goals. (includes face-to-face and online sales in all product categories.)
Invite friends to join you to learn, grow and build a business together.
Receive $50 on every Qualified KickStart Recruit who joins your team within the KickStart program timeframe. There's no limit to the number of recruits.
Achieve all the KickStart sales goals in campaigns 2-7 and recruit a minimum of three (3) Qualified Kickstart recruits in your first 7 campaigns, and you'll receive an extra $200 performance bonus. Total
potential earnings = $1010.
So you earn more than $1,000 total when you hit all the KickStart sales goals and recruit 3 friends to join your team and sell!